Addiction Treatment Interventions are used to create a structured conversation between loved ones and a person suffering from addiction. This is an activity that takes place after initial conversations or appeals fail to have an effect. Remember, first consult with a doctor or professional that specializes in addiction treatment when scheduling interventions. They will be able to provide a structured setting and addiction treatment services you’ll need during the event.
The purpose of this guide is to explore what an intervention is, how they work, and how to make an intervention more successful.
In the guide below, we’ve outlined many of the basic components that go into a successful intervention. This guide is not an all-inclusive set of material, there are other special needs that may be required for your case. Addiction treatment interventions require a structure to be effective. Be sure to consult with a professional before scheduling an intervention for more information on what will be required.
Drug addiction is treatable. An addiction treatment intervention is one tool you can use to begin the journey to building a foundation for successful sobriety in a loved one.
How do Interventions typically work?
Interventions are not informal events. Great care must be taken to consider who will be attending and how they will engage with each other during the event. The professional you consult with will help you create a plan for how the meeting will take place. Often, this plan will include gathering information about the loved one suffering from addiction and how they’re being affected and affecting others.
Before the meeting, the group attending the meeting should make notes on what they’d like to speak on and ensure the medical professional leading the intervention is aware of the topics and nature of the content that is going to be shared.
During the meeting, members will engage with the loved one suffering from addiction. They will have an opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts on the addiction. Then, ultimately, the loved one will be presented with an option for treatment and asked to commit to that treatment in the moment of the intervention. Each loved one may express consequences that will have to take place if the person suffering from addiction does not accept a treatment option the spot.
After the meeting, the group that attended the intervention continue to follow up with the loved one to help them avoid relapsing back into previous addiction patterns of behavior. They can assist by presenting opportunities for the loved one to change daily routines and engage with them, rather than activities that serve to enhance the probability of relapsing back into addiction.
Who should be included?
This meeting is going to be very intense for the person suffering from addiction. The people that are included should be ideal candidates to provide a structured support system during and after the intervention. The people included in this group should be people that are loved, have addiction-free lives, and can maintain self-control while engaging in conversation on the topic.
Some people may want to be involved, or you may think should be involved, but they don’t fit the criteria above. In that case, it may be wise to have them write their thoughts down, which can also be shared in the meeting. However, be sure to stick closely to these guidelines, and share everything with the professional facilitating the intervention, to ensure the highest probability of a successful outcome from the event.
What else will help make this successful?
- Do not try to do this on your own. You may be tempted to try to do this without professional help, but it will be more successful if it is planned by an experience professional.
- Keep the mood approachable, sincere, and positive. You can not control how the loved one will react to the event, but you can do your best to keep the environment as healthy and positive for the experience as possible.
- Try a rehearsal session. Ask the intervention professional if you can try to run a practice sessions to help orient everyone that will be attending with what can happen and how to handle those moments. The more prepared you are, the more successful you’ll be.
- Make sure you ask for your loved one to commit to corrective action. Do not allow them to ‘think about it’. The power of an intervention is in the moment it’s held. It’s important to stick to asking for a clear action to be taken to adjust the current addictive behavior, and to be clear on the consequences if that action is not immediately taken.
It’s best to consult with a professional in the field to help you determine how to best plan and hold your intervention event. Ask them about setting expectations and goals before the event to help hold the addict accountable after the intervention. Remember, drug addiction is treatable. Interventions exist as an option to allow you to help your loved one struggling with addiction to build a foundation to their recovery.